Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The System

Today is better than at last posting. Actually, yesterday was better too. I really think working two midnight shifts back-to-back was problematic for me. Anyway, the kids began school. A very tense day for everyone. Maggie is beginning to meld, and Mic, well, I don’t know what to think about Mic’s transition. Its almost like it didn’t happened. Like there was no change at all. But at the same time, his mood and behavior over the last week or so have been characteristic of lots of stress in his young head. As usual…very strange.

We found out Monday that Social Security Insurance was terminating Mic’s benefits. It seems that, because we let SSI know that we had moved, now they view the house that we have for sale as an asset which is too big for Mic to still qualify for SSI. Never mind the fact that we are paying a mortgage AND rent now. Because we no longer live in the house, it is now an “asset” instead of a “residence.” So, today, I got to go to the Social Security Office, take a number and have some alone timsamplingsampoling of the mass populi and a good book. If we had just not let them know about the move and let the US Post Office taken care of getting the monthly check forwarded to us, all would have been cool.

The motivation from the system SHOULD BE to do the right thing and notify SSI of the move. But like so many features of our governmental systems, SSI motivates one to keep his/her mouth shut and keep them in the dark about the move so as not to interrupt services. I think the US government as a whole needs to just scrap the entire set-up and start over. Our government and all of its entities are bonkers and well past the point of being correctable. But yet we see fit to force democracy on others. Sorry, end of rant.


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