Thursday, January 26, 2006

Wednesday, January 26: Mood 8.5

Today went by very quickly, and I don’t know why. I started my day at home alone. I decided I needed to get out, so I spent about two hours looking for my car key. My psych doctor put me on driving restriction (no driving until about a week after my last treatment because the treatments scramble your thinking enough that driving becomes a little dangerous.) I decided that I could take the chance of driving to Starbucks for coffee. Melissa hid my key like a champ. I thought I had found it a couple of times, but it turned out to be the wrong key both times. After looking for, no kidding, 2 hours, I finally gave up and decided to walk the mile and a half to Le Peep (which is a little breakfast place, like a dainty iHop.) Got there, only to discover that it has closed and is no longer there. Settled for a sandwich from a nearby place instead.

Had to be at my daughter’s school at 1:30 for the Spelling Bee which she qualified for. She didn’t win, but she did great (she’s my daughter…it was SPELLING...qualifying alone was outstanding.) From there, we had to leave to drive way up north to the RTC at which Mic used to live. He now gets bussed there daily for “day treatment”. We had a 3:45 appointment with Dr. Deck, Mic’s P-Doc, followed by “family therapy” with Mic’s therapist.

We left about 6:00, stopped for dinner on the way home, and got home about 7:00. Busy day, but it went by quickly. My mood was very good, other than my impatience with Mic. Since he’s been home (which I would expect to make him feel really good and try very hard to maintain himself), he has been super whiney and pushy about everything. Nothing is fair, nothing is good enough, nothing is as he wants it to be. As much as I try, I have little patience for that.


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