Thursday, June 22, 2006

Freaked Out!!

Oh, the fun just never stops. Ok, so, Tuesday night my realtor calls me to ask me what I know about a judgment that is on record against me for $95,000. That would be a matter of someone having sued me and won, and the court awarding them the amount of $95,000 in damages. That’s basically my entire equity which I hope to walk away from this house that I have for sale. Somehow, the judgment came up in a Title search that the title company was doing in preparation for the house selling.

Freaked out!!! I didn’t actually talk to the realtor, Melissa did. It was at 6:00 at night…too late for me to find out much or do much about it. We had a bankruptcy that discharged in 2003 after the failure of a business that I owned. This judgment was in favor of the landlord for that business space. I had personally guaranteed the lease. The judgment SHOULD have been wiped out in the BK. Was it possible that I FORGOT to include the landlord in the list of creditors? Had I pledged my house in the personal guarantee for the lease? OH MY GOD!

Of course, as I calmed down (thanks to modern medicine) and thought through things, I realized that I couldn’t have pledged my house in the guarantee. We got a 2nd mortgage less than a year ago to buy new windows, and the judgment didn’t show up then (and it would have.) I realized about 8 months ago that, somehow, I have LOST the entire file on the BK, so I had no way of confirming that the landlord had been in the creditor list. But I was 99% sure that there was NO WAY that I and my lawyer could have forgotten to include them. But that 1% chance, that speck of doubt which could mean that I would have no equity from this house and would be unable to buy another house in Arkansas after the move, kept me awake and freaked out all night.

Of course, after getting a copy of my record from the BK Court on Wednesday and seeing that the landlord was included and realizing that this judgment was just a paperwork glitch, everything got better. But what I realized was that, while I have been SO FOCUSED on the house selling, during this 18 hours of insanity and doubt, I forgot all about the house SELLING and was focused on whether or not the house selling even MATTERED. Another lesson in perspective. I only wish life could have spread these important lessons out a little for me, had a better organized lesson plan for me. Learning so much in so little time is really pushing my mental stability to the limits.

I saw my long term disability insurance lawyer Wednesday. He has begun working on my case against The Hartford. He works for free unless he wins, so I’m out to rip The Hartford a new **shole. As one of my friends remarked “I guess they haven’t figured out that you are a lawyer, and a dick, have they?” I guess not.

Today (Thursday), I spent the day at Water World with my kids. Last Thursday, Denver had record heat, 100+ (in June!!) Today, or course, it was cloudy, windy and 73. A little chilly at the water park, but a great day, nonetheless. And a day that I couldn’t have enjoyed last year at this time.



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