Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Treatment #25

Today was treatment #25. Yes, 25! And I have to say that it was the most miserable of them all. The seizure was 100 seconds. I woke in Recovery without a clue where I was, or that my treatment was done. Oh, and with the absolute worst headache I’ve ever had in my life. 4mg of Fentanyl later, I was little better. In Recovery II, I got an ice bag for each side of my head. That helped some. I spent the rest of the day at home in bed, popping Percocet and with ice bags tied onto my head. I must have gone at this one hard with my jaw, because it hurt to open my mouth or rest my teeth together. If they had all been like this, I might not have made it this far.

My Beck score today was 7, which is great. My blood pressure ranged from 132/72 to 120/74, both of which is good, for me. Next treatment scheduled for 2 weeks (March 20). I can hardly wait.


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