Sunday, June 25, 2006
Yes, I have. I have also seen the report she wrote at my request for LTD insirance purposes. Both state that my treatment has caused severe memory and cognitive impairment whcih , at this time, prohibit me from returning to work. They also state that, while my ability to return to work may increase over time, at present, she cannot release me to work and she expects to be unability to release me to return to work to for, at minimum, 6 to 18 months.
I don't think you realize how extremely groundbreaking it is to have the doctor that administered the shocks admit damage! I'm not positive, but this could be precedent setting.
You just would not believe the struggle ECT survivors go through to get acknowledgment for their deficits caused by ECT.
I don't recall where I read it, but there was an article that stated in it that no one has ever received SSDI because of any effects from ECT.
Please keep us updated on how this goes for you. Like a previous commenter said, this doctor could have a VERY lucrative business helping ECT survivors, whether it be for disability claims or maybe for court testimony.
Interesting. Where did she get the 6 to 18 months? It doesn't appear anywhere in the ECT literature. Is she, so to speak, just pulling it out of her ass?
What is supposed to happen to make you able to work in 6 to 18 months?
Are you supposed to get your memory back? Are you supposed to be in rehabilitation for that period of time, or are you just supposed to get better spontaneously?
THANK YOU AQUAIUS! Where in the heck do all you people get off? You are reading MIKE'S blog. If you don’t like what he has to say, leave, its that simple. I mean seriously, the way some of you word your questions in your responses is hideous! Speak like adults. Mike is a very educated man, he worked hard to obtain the degrees that he has, I honestly don’t think he woke up one day and decided to just throw them out to window in order to pursue ECT and see what he could get from it! Sorry Mike, I have held my tongue for too long.
Mike is blogging to the whole world; if he wants to only reach friends and family and people who think like him, he knows what to do.
I'd really like an answer to my question.It's quite serious. Mike? What's the justification for the six to eighteen months? Can you ask your shrink and get back to us? Cause if I'm wondering, you know other readers are too.
I'm sure that she pulled it, as you say, out of her ass. But next time I talk to her, I'll be sure to ask.
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