We seem to be talking past each other. You are correct. I write this blog for me and my friends and family, and about me. I'm not taking up anyone's cause in doing so. I'm not advocating for the greater good or trying to change anyone's perception of ECT or anything else (except to the extent that, in describing my experiences, someone discovers something that they didn't know or they are motivated to look further into a question that they might have.) I'm reporting on my experiences (period.) I think its a little overboard to say that I don't "give a darn" about anyone else. I am a caring person and care for those around me. But in the realm of ECT, you are right, and I have no problem admitting, that my blog is not meant to be for the betterment of anyone else. My blog is about me. Again, if writing about me and my thoughts and feelings without becoming an expert, first, on ECT and its effects on other ECT patients makes me "selfish", then selfish I am.
If I can ask, what makes you an expert on ECT? Are you a psychiatrist or in the medical profession or a psychologist? Were you or a loved one an ECT patient? What interest do you have? From where does this passion that you seem to have come? I'm genuinely interested in your perspective. Feel free to e-mail me directly if you would prefer to converse other than in the public forum. ectjourney@yahoo.com. Otherwise, I'll keep publishing your comments as I have been.
My experience is in treating patients for over 20 years, as well as thorough familiarity with the research literature on ECT since the 1930s.
My special interest is long term followup after ECT. Since there is virtually no published literature on this, I rely on my experience.
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